Ski Socks... $15
Waterproof Gloves... $35
Beginner Snowboarder Package... $84
Spending an hour on my butt/back/stomach on the bunny slope to cross the 1st item off my '30 by 30' list... PRICELESS.
Let me preface this by saying that SNOWBOARDING is the first item to be officially crossed of my '30 by 30'.
Now let me say this... Remember how my friends, coworkers, family, everyone I know told me that it was really really hard and the first time was gonna be a disaster? And remember how I said if I could survive 4 Syracuse winters intact I could surely get down a slope intact? Well... Yeah... Perhaps I should have listened to my friends. Perhaps I should have done this after I lost 50 lbs. Perhaps I should have gone on a weekday not a Saturday of a holiday weekend when there were 5 people per square yard on the bunny slope.
Here's how it went down...
We (Sue, Jackie, Me) got to Ski Liberty around 1pm on Saturday. I was super pumped! Adrenaline racing, decked out in my spiffy cold weather gear, psyched to hit the slopes. I wasn't even nervous! That is, until I checked in, actually got my snowboard and boots, and went to my 2pm group lesson.
We (Sue, Jackie, Me) got to Ski Liberty around 1pm on Saturday. I was super pumped! Adrenaline racing, decked out in my spiffy cold weather gear, psyched to hit the slopes. I wasn't even nervous! That is, until I checked in, actually got my snowboard and boots, and went to my 2pm group lesson.
This is me waiting for my lesson. See the smile? Ahh, life was good back then...
In an instant it all changed. It was all downhill from there. Literally. For the next 45 minutes I "glided", fell, toppled, collided, had to be helped up, flopped around on my stomach and back like a beached whale, whined, wondered how the 8 yr old kids around me were cruisin down easy as pie. Sure I said I wanted to hit the slopes, but I should have been more specific. I didn't mean it literally, over and over again. My snowboard instructor, let's call him Shaun White, was very helpful although he musta been totally annoyed at my inability to keep up with the 3 other folks in my group (who were super cool despite my inferior skills). It didn't help that it was so packed that every time I kinda got goin (as in, made it 5 feet) at the 6th foot of my "ride" I'd collide into someone. It was a nightmare... for me and for those in my way!
After a 15+ minute descent from half way up the bunny slope, I called it quits. Yep, I'm a quitter. 45ish minutes into my 90ish lesson I had enough, mostly because I was too exhausted to glide (do splits) on over to the magic carpet to get back up the slope only to topple back down. This was around 3pm and I was supposed to meet my friends over at the bar at 3:30. I just called it a day. And the adventure (at least on the slopes) ended there... for now... because I got a free package to go back. I think Shaun White and his boss felt bad for me. Turns out I'm not as unathletic and klutzy as I thought. I'm actually even more unathletic than I thought!!!
So yes, I get to cross snowboarding off my list on a technicality. I'm gonna go back and try again, but this time during mid-week and not during a holiday weekend. This is for me and for all the other patrons of Ski Liberty. If you were one of the 15 or so folks I collided into yesterday, please accept my apologies.
On a bright note... I made awesome new friends who made the rest of the day (ie the drinking and watching football) fantastic. Shout out to Laura, Jill, Jess & Chris. And of course my BFFs Sue and Jackie for the support and tourguidyness. I dedicate my 1st of the '30 by 30' to them!
Who's coming with me next time? Not you? Yeah yeah yeah...
Oh dear... sounds like my snowboarding adventure a couple of weeks ago was a little more successful than yours.
Fun times! Hope your second attempt is more successful. My friends swear by volleyball kneepads and rollerblading wrist guards. You may want to consider those. :)
You were a good sport! I give you mad props for even wanting to try the snowboarding again. Too hard for me...I'll stick with the skiing! :)